The Uplift: Faith, Hope & Music
The Uplift: Faith, Hope & Music Podcast
"Mighty, Mighty"

"Mighty, Mighty"

Yes, the title refers to the Commodores R&B classic “Brick House,” a staple of my college soundtrack and a composition that sings the praises of, well, something other than a well-constructed building. For our purposes, it calls to mind the concept of God as our “Mighty Fortress” in times of trouble. And let’s face it, there is more than a little distress in the world right now. Granted, I’m a politics geek and this is a political season, but even if you’re not the least bit interested in all that drama…there is much afoot to darken anyone's day. Calamitous weather events almost daily, never-ending wars, shortages, tit-for-tat cycles of violence, unresolvable conflicts- a seemingly growing support for authoritarian rule worldwide, at the expense of individual freedoms and liberty. It feels like the arc of humanity's progress is beginning to bend back the other way. I sometimes experience what I’ve heard described as feelings of resignation and hopelessness, which are new to me. It feels like powerlessness in the face of inevitability, like taking a mountain curve too fast, but in slow motion, being fully aware of careening toward a ditch and the steep precipice beyond, but unable to turn the wheel.

At times like these, I won’t pretend that my first inclination is to always turn to Scripture- I’m more apt to turn to CNN. But God’s Word calms and consoles. Our rock and our refuge, as the authors of the Bible describe the presence of God in their lives and in ours. Even if a respite of the soul lasts only until the next breaking news alert, knowing the Way makes our journey swifter and easier: the path to peace of mind is clear and wide and well-marked. Scripture reminds us that there is a loving God who is in charge, and who has been since the beginning of time. It demonstrates that whatever is happening is not new; it has occurred before and will again, and that as bad as it seems today, this is only a blip in the context of eternity. And like the message on the small, balsawood chotchke resting on my desk suggests about earthly problems, and that Scripture underlines, “this too, shall pass." The decoration reads, “Everything will be ok in the end. If everything is not ok, it’s not the end.” Friends, it’s not the end! 

This moment in time is a mere blip, but it is ours to confront. God is in charge, yes, but I don’t subscribe to the “let go and let God” approach to the problems all around us if means doing nothing.  Jesus commands just the opposite – that we use our lives and gifts to transform this kingdom for the better, just like He did. According to his teaching, this means not judging others; it means tending to those who hunger and thirst, giving voice to the powerless; striving for economic equity, effecting kindness and forgiveness as a first impulse, rather than seeking retribution; caring for everyone, especially those who need it most- the outcasts and troubled, the poor and infirm, those who society considers unredeemable and unlovable. These were the focus of Jesus’ ministry on earth and, as his hands and feet in this moment in history, they are our concern also. Jesus says that loving Him means loving each other. And that entails more than lip service. As Augustine writes, we should “pray as though everything depends on God. And work as if everything depends on you." It means doing our best for everyone whose path we cross. In this moment, I might add, it involves viewing those who disagree with us for what they truly are: our brothers and sisters. 

Folks, I’m sure you’ve noticed that the ride is getting bumpier. If you need a little shelter from the storm, pick up a Bible, open it to somewhere in the middle and explore the wisdom and reassurance of the Psalms. You may come across Psalm 46, written over 3,000 years ago, that brings comfort in times like these:

"God is our mighty fortress,
always ready to help
in times of trouble.
And so, we won’t be afraid!
Let the earth tremble
and the mountains tumble
into the deepest sea.
Let the ocean roar and foam,
shake the mountains….
The Lord all-powerful is with us.
The God of Jacob is our fortress."

Mighty, mighty indeed! The song pair is a first draft, a demo, of a song I wrote while completing this Uplift, taken from the Psalm 46: “Mighty Fortress (46).”

Until next time, stay safe, be brave and keep walking in the light.

Mighty Fortress
God is our mighty fortress
always ready to help
hard times and in trouble
He is our heaven sent
let the earth tremble
let the mountains tumble
into the deepest sea

God is our mighty fortress
and I am not afraid
Nations will rage and Kingdoms fall
their riches laid to waste
But our home can not be shaken
our treasure never taken  
He says follow me

Song link: "Mighty Fortress (46)"

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The Uplift: Faith, Hope & Music
The Uplift: Faith, Hope & Music Podcast
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David Brauner